I had to move to Israel to find a regular Jazz listening experience!
In our many years living in the USA we had a rich and varied social life. Our Chevra (close friends) includes those we have known just about all our life as well as many made through the years. Sadly some have passed but with all the others we maintain a warm and lasting friendship.
However the one thing missing were friends who loved Jazz - especially of the New Orleans and Swing era. Wherever Elaine and I travelled, in the USA and abroad, we sought out local Jazz clubs. We combined many vacations with Jazz festivals and went on Jazz cruises. But, except for one occasion, it was just the two us.
Lo and behold, because of a chance remark made by a friend about my passion for Jazz, here in Israel we were introduced to a very special group of people who share the same passion.
At the time I was introduced to the them, the group had been meeting regularly, almost every Thursday night, for 35 years, to listen to OKUM (our kind of music) !
It is a totally informal group. Whoever is hosting the evening, prepares a program from their own collection. No rules except that when the music is playing everyone is listening. There's always a liberal amount of libation with vodka, wine and whisky plus snacks. The evening always ends at midnight after hot drink an dessert.
What is so interesting is the fact that Jazz in all it's forms is very much alive in Israel. World class musicians are featured at local clubs on a regular basis. One hears more Jazz on radio here than in most cities in the USA and Europe. Tel Aviv and Eilat annually host several major festivals with top musicians from abroad. The music is offered by several high schools for students at all levels.
So today, as I write this, I have just finished putting together a program for this Thursday. We'll be listening to groups from the 1930's to 1940's in Kansas, San Antonio, Chicago, West Coast and of course , New Orleans. More on that in a different posting.